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Dr.Nano Green Agriculture Liquid Growth Regulator for all Crops and Plants

Dr.Nano Green is an excellent plant growth regulator that strengthens soil, establishes healthy crops, and addresses nutritional deficits. It maintains hormonal balance, induces growth, enhances crop quality, promotes equal nutrient distribution, prevents flower drop, and increases yields.


Dr.Nano Green's versatility extends to a wide range of crops, including Chilli, Tomato, lady's-finger, Mango, Cotton, Pulses, Grape, Citrus, Lime, Sweet Orange, Melons, and various vegetables.


Maize Kernel Extract: 25% w/v

Protein Hydrolysates: 5% w/v

Fish Protein Hydrolysates: 40% w/v

Fillers & Others: 30% w/v

Total: 100%


  • 5 ml per Litre of water / 1 Litre dissolved in 200 Liters of water / 2 Acres
  • Between short-term and long-term crops, there is a size variance.
  • Spraying rates should be 5 ml per litre for short-term crops and 10 ml per litre for long-term crops.